Monday, February 23, 2015

Power to the People! We can literally take power into our own hands with the advent of new innovations.

Gas prices are going down. That's not a particularly unique observation. Many of us know that the gas prices in the United States have plummeted recently. Here's a novel idea: these gas prices have gone down because there is less demand.
eco friendly carsWith the advent of more efficient and eco-friendly vehicles the demand for gas has diminished. That paired with the fact that supply was increased when more drilling occurred in the United States caused the lower prices. I think that in the United States demand decreased, supply increased, and the prices followed the laws of economics and decreased. Here is the important thing to learn from this phenomenon: we as consumers impacted that reality. The corporations could not change the fact that when our habits of buying large quantities of gas decreased, then the value of their product also decreased. Look at how much power we have! I saw that the direction that gas prices were going, and as soon as I had the opportunity to live in town and walk to schools and grocery stores I took it. I saw how trends were going, gas prices were going up, my income was certainly not increasing, so in order to just keep surviving I planned that as a back up plan I would just walk everywhere if I ever couldn't afford to drive. I ended up not being able to afford the upkeep of my car for a while, so I decided to walk or take public transportation while I saved money for fixing my car. The result was that I learned it was possible. I could live for months at a time without a car, and this saved me money on gas as well. We can make a difference by buying cars that don't use gas, if we can afford that option, or by walking and taking public transportation if possible. This helps us to take our lives and our future into our own hands. We can do it. Yes we can. 
Here's a link to a guide to more eco-friendly cars: